Ballot Access & Voter Contact Services

The ultimate resource for getting on the ballot.

The most effective tool for contacting voters.

Experience Nationwide


Ballot Access


The first step to every responsible candidates campaign is getting on the ballot. If you and your team have decided to take the nomination petition route, you need professional help. Allow us to assist you in navigating the process and consider retaining us to guarantee ballot access.

Initiatives & Referendum

If you want to change the laws in your jurisdiction through the citizens initiative process, we commend you. This is a nuanced process that requires professional help. Allow us to assist you in navigating the process and consider retaining us so that you can guarantee qualification.

Don’t allow the initiative you, your allies, and your donors find so important to be lost to the machine of the initiative industrial complex.

New Party Recognition

Every jurisdiction has a different requirement for a new party obtaining minor or major party status. Oftentimes the volunteer networks are not strong enough to push this across the qualification threshold. Consider retaining us to help you reach this threshold.

Voter Contact

Nothing can compare to the capture that a motivated and persuasive canvasser brings to every voter interaction.

Precinct by precinct, voter by voter, no one is better at in person voter contact.

In addition to in person voter contact services, we are versed in integrating all traditional forms of voter contact. We are well positioned to assist you in contact via mail, phones, text, and handwritten letters.

We’ve created what we could not find.

It’s an eerie situation all campaign veterans have encountered. The state deadline is days away and the vendor retained to gather the signatures to get the initiative on the ballot has misrepresented what they have actually gathered to date. There is a seemingly impossible gap that needs to be closed in a matter of days or the millions of dollars spent on this initiative drive will go wasted. After the questions of “how did we not see this coming?” and “how did we allow ourselves to get in such a bad position?” and “how are we going to explain this failure to the donors?” comes the pivotal question: “Is there a way to salvage this situation?”.

Prior to starting On The Ballot, LLC we were in this position and our exact thought was “Is there someone we can call, who we can trust, who can deploy overnight and get this done for us?”.

At the time, there was no one who fit all the criteria. There were countless people to call, but could they be trusted with millions of dollars and to not take a buy out from our opposition the second we sent them a contract? Could they deploy overnight and gather 20,000 signatures in 3 days time? Could they commit to not sleeping until we passed the finish line?

Recognizing the void in the marketplace of a good faith actor who can actually get the job done, we created On The Ballot, LLC. We are a company that can accomplish any task in a transparent, compliant, and vigorous manner.

We have a tenacity that is unparalleled in the ballot access and voter contact world. If you want to succeed in your voter contact and ballot access endeavors, consider allowing us to play an integral role.

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